
Performed by: Jasmine Powell

Choreography by: Jasmine Powell

Music by: Grégoire Lourme

Photo by: Steven Whitsitt

Jasmine Powell is a dance artist and educator from Hillsborough, NC, who grew up in the Durham dance community. She holds a BA from Oberlin College and an MFA from Hollins University in collaboration with the American Dance Festival and Frankfurt University for Music and Performing Arts in Germany. Currently, on the performing arts faculty at Cary Academy, she joyfully brings cultural history into the dance curriculum and has also shared her work as adjunct professor at Elon University. Jasmine’s mission investigates the interrelation of dance genres as an inquiry into how opposites are embodied in each other. Her passion is well suited with having danced with the diasporic dance company, Philadanco, and with notable choreographers, Dianne McIntyre, Milton Myers, Ronald K. Brown, and Okwui Okpokwasili. Jasmine performs locally with KT Collective and engages in her own choreographic journey with her latest NC premiere Approximation of a Woman. Her choreography has traveled into performing arts theaters, site-specific work, NC dance festivals, local and international film festivals, and music videos such as "Problem- A Public Service Announcement" and "Mbolo." Jasmine smiles at the opportunity to share her work rooted in conceptual storytelling and is always relating to others through a creative expressionist lens.